$1,197.00 AUD



(NB: a full copy of these Ts and Cs is available here)

  1. Coaching Packs and Fees

1.1 The Client and Ask Fleur agree that the Client has been granted a Coaching Pack to Ask Fleur (TRANSFORM / CONNECT / ENGAGE) (the “Coaching Pack”).   

1.2 In consideration of the Coaching Pack, the Client agrees to pay to Ask Fleur the Coaching Pack Fee, as amended from time to time.

1.3 Clients who pay the Coaching Pack Fee on a monthly basis must provide Credit Card details and authorise automatic debit of such Credit Card each year during the Coaching Pack Period.

  1. Coaching Pack Benefits

Coaching Pack benefits include access to various levels of coaching sessions. Full details are provided in the attached Appendix as amended from time to time.

2.1 Engage Coaching Pack: Includes 4 x one-to-one coaching sessions per pack period and optional group meetings and relevant resources provided through an online community format.

2.2 Connect Coaching Pack: Includes all Engage coaching pack features plus 4 x quarterly group coaching sessions.

2.3 Transform Coaching Pack: Includes all Engage and Connect coaching pack features plus 6 x one-to-one coaching sessions per pack period.

Additional coaching sessions beyond those included in the Coaching Pack can be purchased at an additional add-on cost.

  1. Right to Compile Coaching Pack

Ask Fleur retains full rights to the Client mix and may accept multiple Clients from certain occupation classifications.

  1. Intellectual Property

The parties agree that all content and materials supplied by Ask Fleur to the Client remain the intellectual property of Ask Fleur and may not be used or reproduced by the Client for any purpose other than Ask Fleur coaching activities and internally within their business, without the express written consent of Ask Fleur.

  1. Client Representations, Acts, and Indemnity

5.1 The Client indemnifies Ask Fleur against any claim made by a third party against Ask Fleur as a result of the Client’s representations or acts.

5.2 The Client agrees not to bring any litigation against Ask Fleur as a result of acting on information or directions provided by Ask Fleur. The Client acknowledges that any training or Guest Speaker information provided by Ask Fleur is general in nature and should be used after suitable due diligence and consultation with the Client’s own professionals.

5.3 Ask Fleur are not lawyers or certified public accountants, and this should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should seek appropriate advice for your own situation. 

5.4 Please note that we don’t make any guarantees about the results of the coaching provided. We share educational and informational resources that are intended to help you succeed in business and life. You nevertheless need to know that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond my knowledge and control.

  1. Termination

Either party may terminate this Coaching Pack Agreement by providing thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of Coaching Pack termination before the end of the pack period, the Client will be obligated to pay the Coaching Pack Fee for the balance of the pack period, less a prorated refund for the unused portion.

  1. General

7.1 The Client acknowledges that all Ask Fleur Events may be filmed or recorded and that such recordings may be publicly broadcast. The Client consents to the use by Ask Fleur of any recordings in which the Member may appear in the public domain.

 7.2 The Member agrees that Ask Fleur may earn commission or referral fee payments for referral of its Clients to third-party organisations.   

 7.3 This Coaching Pack Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and may only be amended in writing.  

 7.4 Ask Fleur materials, user names, and passwords provided to the Client are confidential and must not be shared with others.

 7.5 This Coaching Pack Agreement is governed by the laws of Western Australia.

Appendix: Ask Fleur Coaching Pack Outline

Coaching is a two-way partnership therefore please note, all one-to-one coaching sessions follow a proven structure and format but are adapted to meet the specific personal needs of each coaching client. For optimal results, it is recommended that client’s:

  • Plan their one-to-one coaching sessions and commit ahead of time by confirming dates in their diary.
  • Meet at regular intervals (either fortnightly or monthly) to allow time to take action between each session.
  • Commit 100% to their agreed bespoke coaching plan, usually confirmed in collaboration with their coach after the initial transformational session.
  • Attend with an open mind and be open to the journey of transformation.
  1. Engage Coaching Pack (8 - 12 week commitment)
  • 1 x Transformational one-to-one coaching session
  • 3 x Engage one-to-one coaching sessions per pack period
  • Optional group meetings
  • Access to relevant resources via an online community format
  1. Connect Coaching Pack (12 month group commitment)
  • All Engage coaching pack features plus
  • 4 quarterly group coaching sessions
  1. Transform Coaching Pack (6-12 month commitment full coaching service)
  • Includes all Engage and Connect coaching pack features plus 
  • 6 x one-to-one coaching sessions per pack period
  • All access to all resources via the online community format

Additional Coaching Sessions

Additional one-to-one coaching sessions beyond those included in the Coaching Pack can be purchased at an additional cost. Rates for additional sessions are available upon request.

Transformation Session

Extended one-to-one session, a deep dive into your business to establish what goals you would like to achieve. 

Based on the Success Principles by Jack Canfield:

- Take 100% Responsibility
- Clarify Your Purpose
- Decide What you Want
- Goal setting
- Breakthrough Business Goal

Includes a copy of The Success Principles by Jack Canfield