Double Your Business Results with the Client Journey Secret

Get from Where You are to Where You Want to be

One-to-one coaching sessions tailored to your needs - limited places available




Affirm Your Unique Purpose

Setting Goals aligned with Your Purpose Eliminates Stress and Ensures Your Success


Instinctive Immersion

Learn how to SHIFT Your Perspective adopting our Disciplined Approach.

Develop Strategies to generate consistent Income giving you the gift of Time back.


Cap the Pressure, Cap the Emotion

How to Attract Your Ideal Client EVERY TIME. 

Clarify and attract your dream client that loves all that you do.



Uncover the Perfect Flow

With the Client-Journey Secret.

Client Journey's where your client's grow and evolve with you and your evolving business.



Your Ultimate Outcome

Succeeding at the End - 

Scaling your business smartly by focusing on what matters most—your clients and strategic growth.

From Fleur:

“It’s not only possible – But it’s NECESSARY in our current market to use YOUR UNIQUE TALENTS to succeed”


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Check out our growing community

”I highly recommend Fleur Allen for coaching or any community she is involved in. I would not be where I am today without Fleur and her business community who gave me the opportunity to present and share what I did in business, which changed my female-only client base to include both men and women, doubling my client base.

I also experienced coaching from Fleur and this proved to be invaluable to my confidence, success and assisted me to think and plan for bigger things in my business. I also loved the visualisation exercise Fleur took me through to clarify on how to move my business to the next level

- Linda McMahon Essential System Solutions

Don’t wait! Take control today.



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