I Just like to Simplify Property

Property Investor, Best Selling Author and Educator,


Fleur Allen presents


Property with Purpose

Family Times -- Self-Nurturing -- and GIVING

Learn How ANYONE Can Use Property to Get The Time AND Money to Fund the Cause -- Passion -- or PURPOSE of Their Choice

You can learn what Fleur calls “an Instinct for Property” and apply it to her PROVEN DIY method for Property Investing (and it’s NOT complicated – difficult – or expensive as you may have believed)!

In two hours the BIGGEST GOLD NUGGET takeaway will be...

Photo credit: JESHOOTS

“It’s not only possible – But it’s NECESSARY in our current market to use YOUR UNIQUE PURPOSE to uncover property deals. 


During the seminar, Fleur will be sharing:

The 5 Crucial Steps to Buying “Property With Purpose”

  1.   Defining your “Unique Purpose”: How to Eliminate Stress and Ensure Your Success 
  2.  Instinctive Immersion. Learn hot to SHIFT Your Perspective adopting our Disciplined Approach strategy.
  3.   Cap The Pressure -- CAP The EMOTION: How to Make Profitable Deals EVERY TIME
  4.   Uncover the Perfect Deal with the “Deal-Rating Secret” (LESS THAN 1 HOUR Per Week)
  5.   The “Ultimate Deal”: Succeeding at the End 


You can see what some other people had to say about Fleur’s training here - it's so compelling:

Fleur is extremely passionate about educating and helping people fulfil their purpose through property. I attended Fleur's Property with Purpose seminar last year and whilst my fiance and I already own property, I found it very useful. I'd recommend Fleur's seminar regardless of whether you are just entering the property market or if you've held a property or properties for some time.

Cara Mollica 

Fleur Allen is one of very few property mentors that truly understands the Perth Property Market. 
She provides practical, unbiased, detailed information in easy to use formats and offers simple effective guidelines for property acquisition. 
Having moved here from Sydney, Fleur has been able to give me valuable insight into the Perth residential property market that has seen me achieve amazing outcomes for my clients. 
I recommend everyone to attend one of Fleur's courses, with or without a property "plan" you will develop skills to navigate the property market with Fleur "mentoring" you as you go along - you can't get better than that!

Lorena Ongaro Anderson

Ask Fleur Logo

Fleur emphatically states… 

“This is NOT a complicated or risky ‘Property Investment’ program -- NOR is it one of those ‘Give Us Your Money and We’ll Buy a Property For You’ Companies.” 

Fleur will EMPOWER you to go out and invest in property and Feel Confident —“You’ll really know for sure that you’re making a smart decision and getting a sensational deal – that’s right for YOU.” 

“Everyone – including you – can increase your personal wealth through property investment to fund your dreams, visions and purpose in all aspects of your life… and I can prove it to you.”

You can learn this system ONCE -- and apply it to ALL your property purchases – NOW, and FOREVER.

REMEMBER -- You’ll be learning 5 Crucial Steps to Purchasing “Property with Purpose” taking away literally pages of notes to implement immediately.

Next Steps

You can take in 2 hours of Fleur’s exclusive 1 Day Training FOR JUST $97.00 ($745 Value) --- This Is full of unique, nothing-like-it content. It is wisdom, not just information, that you can use straight away. 


During the seminar, Fleur will be sharing:

The 5 Crucial Steps to Buying “Property With Purpose”:


Online Property Training Course


  1. Defining your “Unique Purpose” 
  2. Instinctive Immersion adopting our Disciplined Approach strategy.
  3. Cap The Pressure -- CAP The EMOTION
  4. Uncover the Perfect Deal with the “Deal-Rating Secret”
  5. The “Ultimate Deal"