
Practical ways you can grow in business from online business coach, Fleur Allen

The Power of Preparation in Business: Setting the Stage for Success

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Preparation is the cornerstone of success in any field, and business is no different. As I prepare a 10-minute presentation for my regular networking group, I’m reminded of the countless times preparation has been the key to achieving my goals. This is especially true as I look forward to speaking at more events and networking gatherings. As a business success coach, I’ve seen firsthand how adequate preparation can transform a presentation and an entire business strategy. 

Preparation: The Foundation of Effective Communication

When I prepare for a presentation, whether a brief networking introduction or a full-day workshop, I approach it with the same mindset that guided me as a musician and teacher. Just as a musician rehearses every note to ensure a flawless performance, I prepare every point I want to make, every story I want to tell, and every piece of advice I want to share. This isn’t just about memorisation; it’s about internalising the message so deeply that it can be delivered with authenticity and impact.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

This quote resonates deeply with me because effective communication in business requires this level of preparation. Whether you’re preparing a pitch to potential clients, negotiating with partners, or inspiring your team, the groundwork you lay beforehand enables you to convey your ideas with clarity and confidence. It allows you to anticipate questions, handle objections, and engage your audience in a way that leaves a lasting impression.

The Balance Between Preparation and Action

While I always encourage preparation and never apologise for it, as I prepare for my upcoming Boost Your Business workshop, I’m also reminded of the balance that’s necessary between preparation and action. As a business success coach, I’ve worked with many clients who struggle with “analysis paralysis.” They prepare and plan endlessly but hesitate when it’s time to leap.

In the property mentoring business I ran, Property with Purpose, I taught that preparation, in the form of research, must serve as a launchpad for decisive action which I called taking a Disciplined Approach. This principle is just as relevant in my current work. For the Boost Your Business workshop, the preparation involves planning the content and also preparing participants to take real, actionable steps after the workshop ends. It’s about empowering them to move forward confidently, armed with the insights and strategies we’ve developed together.

Jack Canfield once said, “I believe that people make their own luck by great preparation and good strategy.”

This belief is at the heart of my coaching philosophy. Luck, in business, is often the result of being prepared to seize opportunities when they arise. By combining great preparation with a sound strategy, you position yourself to create your success. In the case of preparing for one 10-minute presentation, I have thought about the mid to long-term strategy of how I can continue to use this presentation. This means the time invested into this one short presentation can be used multiple times over the mid to long term.

Preparing for Long-Term Success

My forthcoming workshop is about planning for change—preparing businesses for the challenges and opportunities of the next 90 days. But the principles I’ll be sharing extend far beyond a single quarter. True preparation involves setting the stage for long-term success. This means not only having a plan but being flexible enough to adapt that plan as circumstances evolve.

In business, as in music or teaching, preparation is ongoing. It’s not something you do once and then forget about. It’s a continuous process of learning, adapting, and refining your approach. The more prepared you are, the more equipped you’ll be to handle whatever comes your way, whether it’s a surprise opportunity or an unexpected challenge.

Leonard Bernstein once said, “To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.”

This insight highlights the importance of preparation while acknowledging the creative pressure that comes from working against the clock. In business, as in music, the challenge of limited time can spur innovation and drive success. It’s not just about being prepared—it’s about being ready to act swiftly and decisively when the moment arrives.

The Journey Ahead

As I continue to prepare for my presentation and look forward to future speaking engagements, I’m excited about the journey ahead. The Boost Your Business workshop is an opportunity to help others experience the power of preparation through planning in every aspect of their business. By laying a strong foundation through preparation, we can all confidently move forward, ready to seize the opportunities.


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