[Success Coach Tutorial Episode 6]: The Joy of Giving - Expressing Gratitude - Thank You
Having recently returned to the small business world and reconnected with past connections, clients, and new contacts, I’ve been overwhelmed by the generosity of people. A heartfelt thank you to each one of you. It’s an absolute joy to be back in the small business arena, and I’m excited to continue my work in philanthropy through short-term projects. If you know me through philanthropy, rest assured—I haven’t left completely!
Since 2017, my work in philanthropy with not-for-profits has shown me the incredible generosity of people giving their time, resources, and funds. These recent experiences have reminded me of the generosity among business professionals and owners as well.
I’ve always believed that there is enough business for everyone. Why? Because we attract clients who resonate with us. Therefore, I am grateful for the long-lasting relationships I’ve built in philanthropy and look forward to remaining connected and also in business, I am gradually reconnecting with many of you. It’s been like picking up conversations right where we left off. Many clients and colleagues have remained in touch through life, philanthropy, and as clients of their businesses. For example, meeting and working for William Whitecloud back in 2013 and now studying with him, he has always had a charity he encourages his clients to support.
For instance, I recently reconnected with Vera Ensor from Grazie Gifts . Vera has always understood the power of giving—not just for the recipient, but for the giver too. Something I’ve noticed in the post-pandemic business world is that giving is now more overt and widely accepted within business culture, which is fantastic to see. Philanthropic support is increasingly embedded into business practices. For example, Business Network International (BNI), which I was a part of in 2008 and helped lead a new chapter in 2014, now has an initiative for one seat per chapter for a not-for-profit. Coming from the NFP space, I see this as a wonderful initiative that not only promotes giving among members—BNI’s motto is “Givers Gain”—but also supports philanthropic efforts.
This week, I attended a BNI chapter meeting where Vera, in her warm and welcoming manner, thanked me for being her guest with a lovely pamper gift. Vera is now developing workshops that highlight how the act of giving benefits mental health and overall well-being. This brings me to the essence of philanthropy.
From the Greek words “Philos” (loving) and “Anthropos” (humankind), philanthropy means love for humanity.
That is what I love—the incredible connection that is possible through giving, no matter what form it takes. This has reminded me of my last business, Out of the Box Biz, where we used to donate through Kiva by supporting an entrepreneur for every year-long member who joined us. I will incorporate a similar act of giving in my new business. In fact, now that I think about it, I remember opening my Kiva account after Anthea Horvat introduced her members to the platform at her Business Masters Club way back in 2008 or 2009.
This has been a rewarding time of reflection and I've realised that philanthropy and business have been 2 common themes surrounding me for a very long time. Thank you to all I have met over the past three weeks; the generosity of time and spirit has been simply joyous!
What kind of giving brings you joy?
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