
Practical ways you can grow in business from online business coach, Fleur Allen

Ready, Fire, Aim: Harnessing the Power of Jack Canfield’s Success Strategies

business success
Photo credit: JD

Ever since I bought Jack Canfield's "The Success Principles" back in 2009, it's been a huge part of my life. I've read it many times, and each time, I pick up something new. As a result, I have always wanted to do the Canfield Train the Trainer course but never got around to it. But… drum roll, please… this week I submitted my assessments, earlier than I expected too. Now I have a month to wait to see if I have successfully achieved certification. But I digress, working through this in-depth training based on the book, I feel like I've experienced these teachings on an even deeper level. It's been a real game-changer.


During the training, I fully immersed myself, as suggested. Right from the start, I set my intention to do the work and complete the exercises myself. This commitment to "keeping my agreements" was crucial. One module I particularly loved was the live workshop. It was intense, but watching Jack navigate these situations brings it to life and makes it real. This training made me realize just how influential these principles are.

A big part of applying the Success Principles is giving myself permission to continually grow and learn. Once I achieve a goal, it's okay to set another one and keep moving forward. It's all part of the journey, and I'm learning to enjoy the process between goals. This mindset is refreshing and liberating. I don’t need to just stay as I am. I love continually learning and evolving.


Taking 100% responsibility for my life was a bit confronting at first, but it's incredibly empowering. I'm in control of everything in my life, and it’s up to me to make what I want to happen.


One principle that has had a profound impact on my new business is "Ready, Fire, Aim." I remember brainstorming a business name with a tribe of inspired, supportive, and motivated friends on Facebook, and someone suggested slowing down and taking my time. But I needed to take action right then, or I risked getting stuck in endless preparation. By living the Success Principles, I was able to take that step forward without guilt, appreciating the feedback but staying true to my plan.


The "Rule of 5" is another principle that's been essential. This means doing five specific things every day that move you closer to your goal. This consistent effort creates momentum and ensures steady progress. Persistence is key here—keeping at it, even when things get tough.


Sharing these principles with others has been a game-changer. It keeps the teachings fresh in my mind and holds me accountable. Plus, it's motivated me to aim for a life bigger than I have been. This brings me to aligning my goals with my life purpose. This has brought greater clarity and direction. My purpose is to inspire and empower others to be their best selves, fostering a connected and inspired community. Implementing these principles has realigned me with this purpose, reigniting my passion and motivation.


Overcoming the persistent imposter syndrome, negative self-talk, and self-doubt was a big reason I did the training. It's given me renewed confidence in what I have to offer and taken my coaching business to a whole new level. I have the experience, and now I have the training to support and heighten my experiences. With a background in fundraising, where I have been a part of teams raising millions for not-for-profit organizations, I now feel ready to build in business again. This not only supports my own ambitions but also enables me to support my son and his dream of becoming an Olympic gold medalist in sailing.


Integrating the Success Principles into my coaching practice has been transformative. I am now adding these proven techniques and exercises into live webinars, group coaching, and one-on-one sessions. These structures empower clients to overcome their fears and blocks, facilitating real change and transformation. My initial focus is on the fundamentals—Purpose, Vision, Goals, Action, and taking the time to Celebrate—delivered through various formats, from a 90-minute Clarity Breakthrough session to one-to-one coaching programs.


As I build my new business, these principles guide every step. They enable me to live authentically, striving to be my best self while supporting others on their journeys. Learning from Jack Canfield's approach to managing groups has also been invaluable, fast-tracking my success in coaching.


In essence, the Success Principles have brought me back to my true calling: building community and helping others realise their potential. By practising these principles, I continuously grow and, in turn, empower my clients to achieve their dreams.


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