11 March Workshop

[Next Level Success Step 5] Conduct a SWOT Analysis to Achieve Breakthrough Success

next level success swot analysis

I’m excited to guide you through Step 5 of my Next Level Success framework. If you’ve been following along, you’re already making strides toward growing your revenue. Haven’t started yet? Don’t worry—you can download my free Next Level Success Business Workbook at https://www.askfleur.com/next-level to get started.

This is available on my YouTube video here too

This step focuses on an essential tool for strategic planning and business growth: the SWOT Analysis.

What is a SWOT Analysis? 
A SWOT Analysis helps you evaluate your business from all angles. The acronym stands for:
- Strengths: Internal factors that give your business an advantage.
- Weaknesses: Internal areas where improvement is needed.
- Opportunities: External factors you can leverage for growth.
- Threats: External risks or challenges to your business.

Why Do a SWOT Analysis?
In Step 4, we set a breakthrough goal—a bold and exciting objective designed to transform your business. The SWOT Analysis builds on this by giving you clarity on what’s working, what needs improvement, and how to overcome obstacles.

This strategic exercise helps you:
- Evaluate your current position.
- Identify opportunities for growth.
- Prepare for potential challenges.

Think of it as a reality check that ensures your plan is grounded in actionable insights.

How to Conduct a SWOT Analysis 
Here’s a quick guide to completing your SWOT analysis.

1. Strengths:
- What does your business do well?
- What resources or assets set you apart?

2. Weaknesses:
- What areas hold your business back?
- Are there gaps in skills, systems, or processes?

3. Opportunities:
- What external trends or developments could you use to your advantage?
- Are there untapped markets or partnerships available?

4. Threats:
- What external factors could hinder your progress?
- Are there risks in your industry or market?

Example SWOT Analysis
Let’s imagine your breakthrough goal is to increase premium client acquisition. Your SWOT might look like this:

- Strengths: Strong client relationships, low overhead costs, established online presence.
- Weaknesses: Lack of structured time management, self-doubt, limited resources.
- Opportunities: Networking with other business owners, leveraging online marketing channels.
- Threats: Negative reviews, potential data loss, or technology failures.

This analysis highlights areas to focus on, such as improving time management and creating contingency plans for risks like data loss or bad reviews.

Using Your SWOT to Achieve Your Goal
Once you’ve completed your analysis, use it to:
- Build on your strengths to maximise efficiency.
- Address weaknesses with actionable steps.
- Seize opportunities by developing strategies to capitalise on them.
- Mitigate threats by creating contingency plans.

Remember, a SWOT analysis is a snapshot in time. Your business evolves, and so will your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Revisit this exercise regularly to stay ahead.

Take Action Today
Set aside 15 minutes to complete your SWOT analysis. Use the space provided in the Next Level Success Workbook to reflect on your business and breakthrough goal. Writing it down helps you gain clarity and focus on your next steps.

By taking this step, you’re halfway through the framework and well on your way to growing your revenue.

📥 Don’t have the workbook yet? Download your free copy at https://www.askfleur.com/next-level

Let’s make your breakthrough goal a reality! I’ll see you in Step 6, where we’ll continue building momentum toward your success.


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