Success Coaching

[Next Level Success Step 2]: Clarify Your Purpose

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Next Level Success Step 2

Welcome to Step 2 of the Next Level Success: 10 Steps to Grow Your Business. I’m Fleur Allen, a Business Success Coach from Ask Fleur, and today, we’re focusing on clarifying your purpose. This is a vital step that not only fuels your motivation but also helps you remain resilient through life’s inevitable highs and lows.

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Why is it Important to Clarify Your Purpose?

Your purpose is your guiding light, helping you navigate challenging days and savour the easier ones. It provides a sense of direction and ensures that your actions align with your greater vision for your life and career. When you’re clear on your purpose, you are better equipped to persevere through obstacles and maintain focus on your goals.

Free Resource to Support You

To help you uncover your purpose, I’ve created a free Next Level Success workbook. You can download it from my website at Print it out or save it to a device where you can work with it. This practical tool will guide you through defining your purpose and progressing to the next steps in your journey.

Finding Your Purpose

If you’re feeling lost or unsure, start small. Reflect on what you’re most grateful for in your life right now. Consider what brings you joy and a sense of flow—those moments when time seems to stand still because you’re so engaged and fulfilled.

If this process feels daunting, try “making it up” as a starting point. Often, the ideas that come to mind first are deeply connected to your true purpose.

Examples of Life Purpose Statements

For inspiration, here are a few purpose statements from others:
- Jack Canfield: To inspire and empower people to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy. 
- Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn: To expand the world’s compassion and connection.

Here’s my own life purpose:
To use my creativity to inspire and empower others, fostering a connected community that cherishes the present moment.

Applying Your Purpose

Your purpose isn’t limited to personal pursuits—it can influence your professional life as well. For example, my purpose to foster a connected community drives my approach to group coaching, 90-day workshops, and online masterminds. Bringing people together and helping them thrive is central to everything I do.

If your purpose doesn’t align with your current professional role, it may be time to explore how it can translate into your work life.

Take Action

Now it’s your turn. Take a moment to reflect on these prompts:
- What brings you joy?
- What are you most grateful for?
- How can these insights inform your purpose?

Write down your thoughts and refine them into a concise statement that resonates with you.

Additional Support

If you’re ready to explore your purpose in more depth, consider enrolling in my Fast Track Success Challenge. This online course includes a guided meditation designed to support you through this process. Details are available on my website under the Work With Me section.

Next Steps

Once you’ve clarified your purpose, you’re ready for Step 3: Decide What You Want. Keep an eye out for my next post, where we’ll explore this critical stage in the Next Level Success framework.

Let me know your purpose in the comments below—I’d love to hear what drives and inspires you.

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