Everyone has a unique business journey. I know and understand this both as a business professional and business owner. No matter where you are in that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more success, freedom and meaning in your life.

Fleur Allen

What I Do

As a Business Coach, Mentor and Consultant I help businesses to increase their revenue. I have proven ability to engage, partner, lead, collaborate and strategise.

Sharing my years of business development knowledge and experience through online coaching. Taking my clients from where they are, to where they want to be.

Who I Work With

Supporting business owners to double their revenue to create more time, freedom and balance in their lives. Graduating as a globally recognised Success Principles Certified Trainer.

I work with clients locally, nationally and internationally through one-to-one and group coaching packs and online courses.

Why Work With Me?

I make sure that your top clients are your raving fans and top referrers; ensuring that your business is a place of joy for both your team and those raving fans.
I have taken the first step to International Coaching Federation accreditation by studying a Graduate Certificate in Applied Coaching to be completed in 2025.
I take a comprehensive approach to achieve success in every aspect of a business owner's life.

My Story

Welcome to Ask Fleur! I'm Fleur Allen, a business owner and best-selling author who has evolved from the original face-to-face community, Out of the Box Biz. While the spirit of that community remains close to my heart, Ask Fleur marks a fresh start, focusing on one-on-one and group coaching.

In 2017, I had to close Out of the Box Biz due to health challenges and the limitations of creating an online community at that time.

From 2017 to 2024, I was fortunate to work in senior leadership roles as a fundraiser in philanthropy, raising millions of dollars for not-for-profit organizations. But with my son now finishing school, I’m seeking greater autonomy and flexibility in my life.

Fast forward to 2024—I'm in great health, and technological advancements have made online connections more meaningful and widely accepted. This led to the birth of Ask Fleur, where I'm excited to create a supportive environment that stimulates creative thinking and helps you achieve your business goals.

As a business success coach and best-selling author, I am dedicated to consistently delivering exceptional results for organizations, professionals, and business owners. My diverse background spans small business, the not-for-profit sector, business, sales, property investment, and education. Throughout my career, I've focused on nurturing relationships and building inclusive communities that foster a sense of belonging and support.

Through my coaching and the community of clients at Ask Fleur, I provide an environment where you can thrive both in business and in life.

My passion for community-building is deeply rooted in personal experiences. Growing up, my mother's family frequently relocated due to my grandfather's work on the railways, teaching me the value of resilient, supportive communities. Additionally, facing family health challenges highlighted the importance of bringing people together.

I’m always eager to connect with others who share a passion for lifelong learning and growth. Please feel free to reach out—I look forward to our conversations.


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